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Welcome to the Rotary Club of Mid-level website! We are a Cantonese speaking club and meet monthly on the 1st, 2nd, and the 4th Monday at the 13/F, On Lok Yuen Building, 25 Des Voeux Road Central. We keep the motto of Rotary "service above self" and we value service and fellowship. Come to join us!

Yours in Rotary,

Rotary Club of Mid-level

歡迎訪看半山區扶輪社網站! 我們是一間講廣東話的扶輪社,於每月第一,第二,及第四個星期一都會在中環安樂園大廈13樓 有午餐例會。 我們秉承扶輪社的口號 “超我服務”,我們重視服務與友誼。 歡迎加入我們!


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